Any cancellation must be requested within 24 hours of placing the original order and is NOT guaranteed. Any cancellation request made outside of the 24 hour time-frame can be eligible for store credit.
Please attach the shipping label to your package and drop off at your nearest USPS location. After receiving your return, we will inspect the item(s) for any sign of wear or use, and issue any refunds to the form(s) of payment used on the order being returned. If an item is not found to be in returnable condition and the tag is detached, we will reach out to you with your options. All returns are processed within 10-14 business days of receiving them. Any shipping charges on your original order are non refundable. All returns using our prepaid label will be assessed a $10.95 handling fee. Exchanges and returns for store credit will NOT be assessed a handling fee. You will receive an email confirmation after your return has been processed.
If you are local to Utah, you may drop off your return at our store as well. If you purchased your items in store, they will need to be returned in store or email us for a prepaid label as long as you are within the 14 day return policy.
SHOE RETURNS: Shoes must be returned in their original shoe box and placed inside an additional protective shipping box. Damage to the shoe box will make the shoes ineligible for a return and will be marked "return to sender". Shipping costs will not be refunded.
If you are an International customer, you are required to pay return shipping. Please mail your returns to the following address: