We've started a Facebook group because we are always looking for more ways to connect & take care of you! We love you guys so much that we wanted to spread the love and introduce you all to each other so that everyone can be a part of our community. We want to help encourage, support, and be there for each other in as many ways as possible, so join us!
Here is what you can expect from US...
New Arrivals
Featured Posts
Promotions and much more
Featured Posts
Promotions and much more
Here is what we hope to get from YOU...
Styling/ Sizing questions
Your outfit pictures
Styling/ Sizing questions
Your outfit pictures
Did you know Piper & Scoot have customers from ALL over the world? So next time you're trying to figure out what to pack, ask on the group! We bet there's probably someone on there who is either from your destination or someone who has been!
...We definitely wouldn't hate it if you threw in yummy places to eat & the best sight seeing as well.
Maybe you have important pictures coming up and you want to know what items photograph best, there's probably multiple professional photographers who would be more than happy to help you out! Or perhaps you need a shoe suggestion, who needs a professional stylist when you have an amazing network of women with taste & who are eager to help?
You can get expert advice or be the expert in a certain field!
In order to make this a POSITIVE environment all comments will be monitored. We want you to feel safe to ask what you wish about styling/sizing and we want to provide ENCOURAGING comments and answers. Posts from other websites or advertisements for other companies is NOT what this group is about, we want it to be about the community we've worked hard to create.
In order to make this a POSITIVE environment all comments will be monitored. We want you to feel safe to ask what you wish about styling/sizing and we want to provide ENCOURAGING comments and answers. Posts from other websites or advertisements for other companies is NOT what this group is about, we want it to be about the community we've worked hard to create.
To make sure you get the right answer to ALL your customer services questions and in a timely manner, please send them to our customer service specialist at info@piperandscoot.com
We want to hear from YOU! We want to see YOU! We love YOU!