Meet Meredith. Piper & Scoot's very own retail extraordinaire. She is as cute as a button and knows every button on every blouse, dress or pants we carry here at the store. Here is what else she knows & likes...
Mountains, desert, forest, or ocean? "Oceans, its a given I grew up in California."
Are you usually early or late? "I'm always on time to work! But when it comes to anything else I'm late.. I just love sleeping in."
Who is your fashion inspiration? "Fashion icon HAS to be Lauren Conrad."
What is your favorite item in your closet? "Hands down my Free People denim!"
How many pairs of shoes do you have? "Ummm let's not talk about it.... maybe close to 50 but that's just me being modest!"
If you could turn any activity into an Olympic sport, what would you have a good chance winning at? "Remembering everything! I can tell you something that happened to me 6 years ago or memorize 100 terms in an hour."
What's your favorite drink? "Dr. Pepper. I'm an addict. I once had 12 Dr. peppers in one day..."
When people come to you for help, what is it usually about? "Everything and anything! I'm a great listener..."
Who's your go to band when you don't know who to listen to? "Country music is my sold go to when I'm not sure what to listen to."
What's your dream car? "I'm far from materialistic so I'd go with maybe a reliable SUV."
How would you describe your personal style? "My friends describe it as cute and casual."
So come in & meet Meredith for yourself. What is better than someone who listens & will never forget you? And has great taste in shoes. She can be wooed with a Dr. Pepper. Plus she works at Piper & Scoot, so she obviously is the total package in best friend material!