Piper & Scoot hosted an event that featured a Q&A session with one of our favorite designers, from Knot Sisters. We had those interested submit questions & here are some of those answers for those of you who missed out. And seriously, you missed out...it was awesome.
Q: How did you get the idea for Knot Sisters?
A: "There was a different mood everyday. You know one day you want to be feminine. One day you want to wear something more tomboy. And you kind of collaborate from your closet, your friends closet, just pulling from everyone's closet. Taking inspiration from different people and being able to shop different closets. Just going to that idea where you can go to one collection that has all the different types of product that you like."

Q: Did you go to school to study fashion?
A: "I was lucky enough to have a great program through my high school.And it was a vocational center that let me go through my junior and senior year. And then I went to school in Southern California and majored in Fashion Merchandise."

Q: Would you recommend going to a fashion school?
A: "I definitely recommend going to school. Usually the teachers and your staff from your school are great to help you."

Q: If you can't go to a fashion school, where would you suggest you start in the fashion industry?
A: "I feel like it's a great thing to get a job in the field that you are interested in. Do something within the environment that you love."

Q: What does your creative/design process look like?
A: "I'm terrible at sketching by hand. I draw stick figures but I'm pretty good at drawing in Illustrator. So I do everything on Adobe Illustrator on my computer. And I kind of lay out ideas. Different inspiration ideas, different fabrics I like, anything that will help actually executing the process of design and designing the product."

Q: How did you get interested in the fashion industry?
A: "My mom made everything that I wore up until second grade, including my underwear. My mom would sew everything, there were eight of us. She was an amazing seamstress. So when I was young, Cabbage Patch Kids were a big thing and I wanted to make money. And so I would sew Cabbage Patch Kids and sell them to the neighbor kids. I guess I started my design career at eleven."

Q: Do you design your own fabrics?
A: "All of our prints are custom. We work with either artists or print designers."
Q: Where do you get your inspiration?
A: "Just vintage, watching people, I love to watch how people put outfits together. We're exposed to a girl in Tokyo, Paris Fashion Week, or whatever street style. Kind of a little bit from everyone you like."
So there you have it. Some of our favorite pieces in the store are made by Knot Sisters and we feel so special they stopped in. Now we suggest YOU stop into Piper & Scoot and find out for yourself how great Knot Sisters is.